Roses are red
Violets are blue
Our lives have been crazy
So I haven't updated our blog in a really long time!!! HAHA!!!
We've moved, changed jobs, had almost the entire summer of mom home with 4 kids, and it just hasn't been way up high on my list of priorities. Sorry to those who count on our blog to keep up with the Whitemarsh family happenings. I promise I will try to get some updates soon so that you have proof that we are still alive and kicking!!! Here is our new information to get you through till the update:
David and Ruth Whitemarsh
5532 NW English Hill Ct.
Bremerton, WA 98312
Home 360-204-5744
Ruth Cell 360-850-8881
David Cell 360-850-8887
Ruth email:
David email:
Also, our email address has changed. In the process of moving and changing utilities I lost ALL of your email addresses! :o( Would you PLEASE contact me with your information so that I don't lose you?! Thanks so much! Love to all...Ruth
Monday, August 17, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Julianne Hough
Scotlyn and I went last night to see Julianne Hough live in concert. For those who don't know, Julianne Hough is an American professional ballroom dancer and country music singer. She is most-widely known for being a two-time winner of ABC's Dancing with the Stars. She earned a Creative Arts Primetime Emmy nomination in 2007 for choreography. ABC's 20/20 called her one of the "very best dancers on the planet."[1] Julianne's brother, Derek Hough, is also on Dancing with the Stars and is a one-time winner himself. Hough was signed to Mercury Nashville Records in December 2007. Her self-titled debut album was released May 20, 2008, debuting at #1 on the Billboard Country Album chart and #3 on the Billboard 200. (As taken from Wikipedia!)
Anyway, she came to Astoria and performed at the Liberty Theater, , a great place to see any performance because of the intimacy of the venue.
Scotlyn and I have watched Julianne on DWTS for the last several seasons, and listen to her on the radio. We were both excited to get to see her in person! Scotlyn got a new outfit and we did her hair and she was adorable and ready to go! All seating was general admission and we found a pretty good spot about halfway back and almost in the middle. The singer who opened for her is local - and I'm PRETTY sure I've seen her before when I sang karaoke with a couple of friends!
Julianne was incredibly entertaining, she sings great live (which isn't always the case!) and has SO much energy! She's TEENY TINY - she looks small on tv, but in person - WOW! and SO pretty. Scotlyn and I got to go up to the front of the theater and stand at the stage. Really fun and a great experience for Scotlyn. She sang to the kids and gave them high 5's and stuff.
We heard that she was going to be signing autographs for a little while after the show, so we had a t-shirt, publicity photo, and our ticket stubs and waited in line. She was SO sweet and gave Scotlyn and me both hugs. She signed all our stuff and let me take a picture of her with Scotlyn!

Scotlyn spent the next couple of hours thanking David and me profusely for taking her to the concert. I think it was a success!!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
The year in review...
Here is a fabulous video David made of our family's goings on in 2008. Enjoy!!! (You will need to pause the music on the playlist [scroll down on the left of the blog] before you play the video or you will hear both songs at the same time!)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
We did NOT fall off the face of the earth!!!
Hello to all! I can't believe I haven't updated since before! I'm not gonna throw out a bunch of excuses, life just gets busy sometimes and in my rare spare time I've chosen to do other things! Sorry! I am happy, though, to hear that some of you have been checking back and waiting for new posts - somebody actually reads my blog! YAAAAAY!!! So here is a long awaited, abridged update on our family. (With lots of pictures, of course!)
A couple weeks before Christmas we went to Ilwaco, a cute little fishing town about 15 minutes away, and enjoyed the "Christmas Crab Pot Lighting"! They made an enormous Christmas tree out of hundreds of crab pots decorated with lights, buoys, etc. and kept it lit there until Christmas. Gotta love a coastal town! I especially enjoyed it since I'm goofy and really into that sort of thing! We wandered over to the docks to wait for the boat parade that was supposed to happen afterward and found Santa in a little bookshop. The girls had fun talking to him and each got a little giftbag with toys and candy. Very cool! It was too cold and late, so we left before the boat parade...maybe next year!

Christmas was good. Spent it in Tacoma with our families - we all got sick again like the last Christmas we were home 4 years ago. Lovely! But overall, good. And we had snow which was great!

Megan with Princess Belle.
Sweet little book worm!
Nice smile, Meg!
Beautiful, Lindsay!
My 3 men. The loves of my life! Dad, David, and my stepdad, Joe.

Savannah finished potty training (YAYAYAYAYAYAY!) and the reward she chose was to go to Chuck E. Cheese's. Her favorite! We're so proud of her! She also (in the last 2 weeks) gave up her pacifier with no complaints whatsoever - we were SHOCKED! Now, for Megan's thumb...

Megan with Princess Belle.
Savannah finished potty training (YAYAYAYAYAYAY!) and the reward she chose was to go to Chuck E. Cheese's. Her favorite! We're so proud of her! She also (in the last 2 weeks) gave up her pacifier with no complaints whatsoever - we were SHOCKED! Now, for Megan's thumb...
David and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary in January. We waited a couple of weeks to go to dinner to celebrate since only 2 days prior David had an emergency appendectomy!!! Scary, but all went well and he healed quite quickly. Good job, David!

I finished my scrapbook room...

and cut Savannah's hair.
In February we celebrated Savannah's 3rd and Megan's 6th birthdays.
This is Savannah's cake. For those of you who don't know, she's a Mickey Mouse FREAK!!!
And she's scared of fire (which is fine with me!) so David and Meg blew out her candles for her!
Our lovely ladies: Lindsay, Megan (nice face again!), Savannah, and Scotlyn
Grandma Jana and Grandpa Joe came to celebrate a couple weeks later. Thanks for making the trip! It was wonderful having you there.
Yep, that's my family! Still crazy after all these years!
The girls' schools put on a hoedown and we were able to attend as a family - minus Savannah - as my mom and stepdad where in town and they stayed home with the little escape artist! We had a great time. 

Scotlyn made a large relief map of the state of Oregon for school and we all went to the grand showing of the maps at her school as a family.
We also went to a meeting that night to find out about the field trip Scotlyn gets to go on in May to central Oregon! 3 days and 2 nights - she's not real keen on going at this point...send us good vibes!
Not a lot to share so far this month. See - I wasn't really all that behind!!! David has started working the occasional Saturday at an office in Longview, WA (about an hour away) to make extra $. Love my dedicated, hard working man! The girls are doing GREAT in school - conferences this week and they are all performing above grade level in everything! Yes, they get their genius from me... haha! :o)
So that's about it - if I think of anything major that I forgot I'll add it ASAP. And I'll try not to go so long in between posts again! Hope this finds you all well - enjoy!
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