Hey! I've taken and compressed some more pix of the inside of our new house and wanted to share. After these, all that's really left is the master bedroom, and the downstairs room. I should probably take a couple of our "backyard" too cuz that's good for a chuckle! Enjoy! Ruth
The view from the dining area to the living room. Like David's new TV?! Happy Graduation! (Thanks mom and dad!) I'm hoping to get some sort of large plant or indoor tree (maybe a ficus?) to put to the left of the fireplace. It seems like it would make it feel homier and cover some of those cords running from the HONKIN' tv!
From the hallway to the living room. Gas fireplace, berber carpet and stained bamboo floor.
Looking the other direction from the eating area. LOVE all the light that comes in the windows!
From the living room into the eating area and kitchen.

The main bathroom.
2's bed. This room is SO stinkin' small! The girls' beds are both against the walls and you can see how close they still are to each other. It's a huge blessing that we got these beds when we lived in Memphis. They have drawers underneath that the girls are able to use as "dressers" cuz as you can see from the other pix of their room - there's no where else to put clothes! Also, 1 and 2 are sharing a room now.
AWWWW. It's so nice when they actually LIKE each other! :)
From their doorway. Looking at 1's bed across the way.
Standing between their beds looking toward their door and into the hall.
This is 3 and 4's room. This room is narrower but longer so there wasn't room FOR SURE to put the other beds in here (the drawers wouldn't have been able to open!) but there is a little room beyond the beds for some toys. Which is also nice cuz this house doesn't have any extra room for a play area! Did you see that 4 is in a BIG GIRL BED?! WOW!
The dresser had to go in their closet. AND David had to take the closet doors off for the dresser drawers to open.
It works!
I just want to reiterate that I am WELL AWARE of how beautiful the house is. We are so very blessed to have a wonderful place to live and to have as much space as we do. I love the details in the way the house is decorated and I love our neighborhood. I'm just SAYING that it's REALLY tight with 6 of us living here and maybe eventually my doctor husband can buy me some huge house with 10 bedrooms! I'm just SAYING! ;0) Love our house. (It's actually pretty easy to keep clean!) Ruth
Yeah!!! David got his TV!! I know you are glad you waited to get that now.
I am very impressed, you are way more unpacked than I am.
Love the house!!
Hi Ruth! I don't have an email address for you anymore. Please email me and i'll invite you onto my new blog! congrats on the move home and on the darling new home! i can't wait to hear from you!
Kristen in AZ
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