I wanted to show you guys pictures of the park we have just down the hill from our house. There are actually a couple of parks within walking distance of our house, but this one is especially cool and you'll know why when you see the pictures. This is where we played for #1's birthday a couple of days ago. It is a mini-replica of Astoria. The playground covers a very large area compared to other playgrounds I've seen and it has this intricate collection of activities for kids of all ages. I just love it! If you come visit I'll take you there... ;o)

A lighthouse the kids can climb up into.

A replica of the Flavel House. This is an historic victorian-style house in town that has been turned into a museum.

Pilot boat like down on the river. The big cargo ships that come up the river from the ocean need pilot boats to lead them through the most dangerous part of the water just at the mouth of the Columbia. Hundreds of ships have wrecked in that area. The huge Columbia River is flowing out, the Pacific Ocean is flowing in and out, the tides and currents are tremendous, and all of this is changing the topography of the ocean/river floor on a regular basis. And then add fog. Most ships that "wreck" just run aground in the middle of the river somewhere because suddenly it's not deep enough anymore! Most of the time, they are able to pull the ships out and get them floating again but it's still a lengthy and expensive process that everyone tries to avoid! Hooray for pilot boats!

This is a big sandbox with this "backhoe" kind of toy in it. I'm pretty sure this represents the docks and the loading and unloading on the big ships.

There is a trolley that runs all along the waterfront. This is a big fishing town so you can see the fishing boat in the background with the big salmon next to it.

Just a shot across the park from just past the center point. It goes on forever and there are so many places for the kids to climb! Ruth R., your boys would be in heaven!

The entrance to the toddler play area. Lots of toys, still, but all on a smaller scale for the little ones. And completely enclosed except for this one door. Hooray!

Here's #4 on the swing in the tot area. You know you're jealous cuz YOU want to swing and look out at the bay at the same time!!!

Representing all the Victorian-style homes in town.

The Astoria-Megler bridge. Fortunately, this one isn't 4 miles long like the real one!

#4 practicing her tightrope skills! I'm about ready to send her to the circus! ;o)

And #1 learning to do the monkey bars. Yes, I do see the irony in this as well. Since it was her birthday I'm going to leave it alone! :)
That is just awesome!!!!
HMMMMM why was it you didn't want to stay in Memphis again?
You mean you like cool playgrounds?
In walking distance?
You like being able to spend time outdoors in the middle of the summer without melting?
You are so knowledgeable about boats/ocean/shipping, etc! Yes, my boys would LOVE that park! I think we'll have to come and visit!
Love you!
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