David and I took the girls to see the old homestead a few weeks ago when we were in Tacoma. This is the funeral home we lived in for 2 years. When we moved in as caretakers, Scotlyn was only 9 months. We had Lindsay while we lived there and finally decided to call it quits when Scotlyn started saying "night-night" to the "residents"! (Oh, yeah. And David was starting school in Bellingham 2 hours away, so I guess that's part of the reason we left!)
Our duties included answering phones after hours (all night long and 24 hours on the weekends), cleaning the whole business area (the entire downstairs [chapel, offices, family room, urn display, caskets] had to be dusted, vacuumed, and occasionally oiled (cuz it was old and therefore it was REAL wood!)) It was a large area overall, but we got pretty good at it! We also had to clean the prep room. That's where they "prep" the bodies for viewing and/or burial. They clean, embalm, set the facial features, and every once in a while, there would be an autopsy preformed there instead of the medical examiners' office. Those smell truly awful, but it's totally interesting, too!
Anyway, there were things we didn't like about living there, but for the most part it was a great experience. Our compensation for all that we did was this fabulous, huge apartment upstairs above the funeral home. Our rent & utilities (except phone and cable) were paid in full. The entire upstairs of the funeral home minus the room on the far right end were ours for FREE! One downside was that the girls had to be extremely quiet during business hours - especially if there was a visitation or a service going on. Also, the "backyard" was an enormous parking lot and the "front yard" was the front of a business that didn't benefit from having the children playing on the lawn - and it was on a very busy Tacoma street!
So, please enjoy these pictures from our family's past and be glad that YOUR house doesn't smell like formaldehyde!!! ;o)
That looks pretty sweet! That's cool to put a picture to the story.
I googled Tuell-McKee Funeral Home and your blog came up. We're the live-in caretakers now. We've been here for two years-today! :)
The Gollihur's.
(Yes, we're LDS too. Haha)
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