So what I'm supposed to do, I guess, is share 7 interesting but little known facts about myself. I'm not sure how interesting these are, but they're all I've got! Here goes:
FACT #1: I was in TWO, that's right, TWO pageants when I was a child! I participated in the Miss Washington National Pre-Teen Pageant when I was 8 and again when I was 12. I was in the top 10 in the talent division for both pageants, top 10 overall in the second one, and received a trophy for "Best Thank You Letter" to my sponsors for the first one. I had a great time doing it and appreciate my awesome parents for letting me know that I was there to have fun and it didn't matter if I won or not. You are the greatest!
FACT #2: I was a 911 operator and police dispatcher in Rexburg, ID. OK, so Rexburg isn't exactly a thriving metropolis of gangs or anything like that, but that doesn't mean I was allowed to sleep on the job! Police work means rotating shifts: I started on all days, moved to all nights, and eventually got the notorious "half days, half nights" shift. ICK! Did I mention I was also in my first trimester of my first pregnancy so between working all hours and wanting to barf all hours, there weren't a whole lot of hours left for sleeping! I enjoyed the job, though. And understand why it's such a difficult and stressful job for those in bigger cities who do it.
FACT #3: I have played the flute since I was 9 and even got to travel to Europe to do so! My parents got me started on private lessons a year before our elementary school would allow me to play in their band which gave me a nice head start. I continued with private lessons almost all the way through high school. I belonged to the Tacoma Youth Symphony Association for several years in Junior High. I was invited to audition for a group from the south Puget Sound region made up of exceptional musicians from all different schools in the area. I made first chair, and was the soloist and the one and only piccolo for the Tacoma Wind Ensemble. We practiced together for several months in preparation to tour France, Italy, Austria, West Germany, and Monaco. We were there a month and had some of the most amazing experiences of my lifetime. We were able to play in some extraordinary locations and the people there were extremely friendly. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life - totally wasted on a punk 16 year old! If only I could repeat the trip now that I'm so much more mature... ;0)
FACT #4: Believe it or not, I have NEVER broken a bone. (knock on wood!) In fact, I had never even had stictches until I had to have an exploratory laproscopic surgery when I was a teenager - and that only required ONE stitch in my belly button! I guess it helps that I never played any sports. There are plenty of other ways to break bones, though. Such as...
FACT #5: I used to be a member of the SCCA (Sports Car Club of America) and volunteered as a turn worker during my late teens and early twenties. I flagged, pushed racecars off the track, checked for debris, rescued drivers, put out fires, and communicated with the main tower. The SCCA has sanctioned races all over the country. I stuck to my region which mainly included Portland International Raceway and Seattle International Raceway (now called Pacific Raceways) You can check this link for more info and history:
Occasionally, we would add an airport or other type of track, but for the most part I worked at these two locations. What a rush - and I've seen some famous people. Being on the edge of a racetrack at 7 in the morning with the sun shining and the steam coming off the track, or add light drizzle adding a bit of extra slickness just for fun...mmmm! I definitely had several close calls - but still no broken bones! (I'm gonna knock on wood again, just to be safe!)

FACT #6: I have a phobia of vomit. Yup, it's true. Embarrassing, but true. Let me just tell you something that you should avoid if you have this type of phobia: HAVING CHILDREN! Seriously, all I have to do is THINK about it and my heart starts racing. If anyone says they are sick or might be: panic. If I HEAR one of the girls let out one of those big, nasty burps: PANIC! I shake, my face goes pale, my heart races and pounds like it's trying to escape from my chest. If someone in my family is sick - vomiting or diarrhea - I literally will not eat anything for an extended period of time out of fear that I will get it and have something in my stomach to regurgitate. So how was I pregnant all those times and managed morning sickness? NOT VERY WELL!!! Especially with 3 and 4. I was sick with both of them every morning for the whole 9 months. Now maybe you understand why I'm so cranky...I mean why I WAS so cranky! :)
FACT #7: Okay - we're down to the last one. I had written down a list of 6 ideas to share a while back, but now I can't find them anymore cuz it's been so long! Maybe fact 7 should be that I'm so disorganized...but that's not little known! It seems like David had helped me come up with some interesting stuff to share with you, but now I'm at the end and at a loss...
I guess a little known fact among those to whom I'm NOT related who may be reading this is that I took Scottish Highland dance lessons. The year after I graduated from high school (thank goodness!) they began a new program at the Puyallup School District requiring graduating seniors to do a "Senior Project". While I was blessed to escape this particular torture (I only had to write what we called a "mega paper" consisting of 15 pages of stuff on something!), my poor, younger, prettier, skinnier sister had to participate. She chose to embrace our Scottish heritage and to learn to dance as only the Scottish Highlanders can! My parents, being the supportive, clever people they are, told me that if I wanted to join her in the lessons then they would pay for it. OK! And it was REALLY fun! Not to mention a GREAT workout! :) I had calves of steel for awhile after that!
If you are picturing Riverdance, by the way, you can stop right now. That's not the same. That would be IRISH dancing. This is SCOTTISH dancing - ya know, like with swords and stuff! I don't have a link for you right now to show you what I'm talking about, but I'm sure if you are handy with Google you can figure it out yourself! And, yes, Jeanine graduated! Hooray!
So, there it is. Some of it makes me laugh, some makes me cringe, but that's me for better or for worse! I guess when I look at it I kinda feel like I'm not all that exciting. It's really all a matter of opinion. And a little creative editing... ;0)
Very interesting. Did you ever check out any races in the Memphis area?
Wow! I guess I am really family! I knew all but the "sick" one. It's a good thing family and friends can't tell 7 funny things they know about you :) Now that would be scary!
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