Monday, February 4, 2008

The Latest News

Hello to all! Well, as usual, it has taken me awhile to get back to this and add the latest but I'll do my best to update you. The biggest news is that WE SOLD OUR HOUSE!!! I'll give you the details in another post soon, but just know that we are very grateful for this blessing and can't wait to get back the the Northwest! Unfortunately, David has to finish school and graduate first so that won't be until early May but it IS happening!!!

4 was diagnosed on January 1st (Happy New Year!) with pneumonia AGAIN. She was pretty miserable, but since going through all of this less than a year ago, mom was pretty sure of what was going on this time and we caught it before her lung collapsed. She is doing much better now!

1 and mommy played in the makeup and that did NOT help 1 look younger! What a beautiful young lady she's turned into. She was ordered to take the makeup OFF before going out of the house! :)

4 had her first ponytails. She was pretty upset that I made her stay still for it and cried, but when I told her she had piggytails and they were pretty she ran to the mirror, smiled, and left them alone for the rest of the day. We may have another little diva on our hands!

And last, but not least, David and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary on January 23! We celebrated at Olive Garden since that was where we had our first date and also where David proposed. We enjoyed ourselves and our evening out - and then the next day David left town for a contact lens conference in Dallas!!! It's ok - he really does love me! Well, even though he's leaving town again for Valentine's Day to go to WA and interview for jobs! I forgive him cuz I know he's just trying to get his family back home where we belong - Memphis does NOT fit that description! :)

Hope you are well and you enjoy this post as well as the pix! Ruth

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about 4. We have had major junk going on here too. I need to take my R in to the Dr. She doesn't seem to be getting any better and it sounds like it's going into her lungs. Yikes!

You do such fun things with your girls. Mine won't let me touch them. "Creepy Broads".

Congrats on your anniversary! I can't believe it's been 10 years already! "Time's fun when you're having flies".

Love ya and hope you find a place in WA soon. We'll be up this summer. Kim